Our History
In the spirit of independence and freedom to worship as lead by the Holy Spirit, Pleasant View Baptist Church was established in 1929. A group of at least 17 men and women met for worship in the home of W. L, and Della Wiggins Young and agreed to establish a new fellowship of believers to be called Pleasant View Baptist Church. It was decided to ask for assistance from the Blount County Baptist Association to establish this new local body. Meetings were held in the homes of members until the first building was constructed in 1930 on land donated by W. H. Watts. Services were held once a month, the 3rd Sunday and the Saturday before. Conference convened on Saturday with Sunday School, singing and preaching on Saturday. Beginning in 1953, preaching services were held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month with conference on the Saturday before the 4th Sunday. Since 1962 services have been held weekly. Electricity came to the area in the 1930's and the church installed electric lights which was an improvement over the oil lamps. In 1952, the church had a well drilled to supply its water. A new pulpit was added in 1953 using pine paneling to enhance the appearance of the sanctuary. Florescent lighting had been installed earlier and propane gas heaters replaced the coal stove on 1954. In 1961, land was purchased from W. P. "Bill" Smith for a new church building. The building was completed in 1962. The baptistry and two Sunday School rooms were added in 1979. The fellowship hall and eight rooms were added in 1986. The sanctuary was expanded in 1998. Over the years members have worked together to support the church not only with tithes and offerings, but also with church cotton patches, potato patches, and homemade quilts. From the 17 charter members, the church has grown to approximately 300 members. Average Sunday School attendance is well over 100 each Sunday. The church has become the focal point of the community with many outreach programs.
To God be the Glory!!!!!